At Link Management, Athlete and Talent Management is redefined. Our Management Division offers services far beyond those of just contract negotiations. With a pre through post career management platform, that is collaborative, transparent and accountable, our approach begins at the heart of the client and extends out from there.

Our Development Division reflects the evolution of athlete management Our team of highly qualified performance specialists support the athlete to help steward and optimize their training, recovery, performance, and development through their Four Seasons of Performance.

The Link Athlete Marketing Division is relentless in its commitment to helping our Team Sport and iSPORT Athletes leverage the world around them by creating targeted and relevant programs that deliver measurable value for our clients and the brands they partner with.

We recognize the significance and are honoured to share in the individual successes of our clients. We always strive to be the first to publicly recognize and celebrate those successes with them, while acknowledging that the Integrity, Privacy and Rights of our clients is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, we will never leverage or appropriate the images, names, brands or successes of our clients for our own personal gain, and we will always remain committed to protecting the Integrity, Privacy and Rights they have earned and deserve.
After all, isn’t what we do for our clients more important than what our clients can do for us.

Our clients use sport to create success in life, not life to create success in sport.™
Let’s create opportunities that are life-changing together.